Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yes, it's been a while. I thought I'd take a moment to catch everyone up on the past few months.

Cameron continues to move forward with his eating. He has moved up to cream of wheat and on occasion, grits. He really is learning to enjoy the flavors of different foods and tend to prefer things like pudding and prunes of all things! He had a swallow study in February that shows that he is not aspirating and that we can continue feeds. This also allows him to get feeds at school! I have to admit, the praise goes to Mrs. Annie. She has been so determined that he WILL eat and that he WILL be free of that feeding tube! She has been a tremendous blessing to Cam and our family.

The Therapy Place continues to move forward and we are set for our first offering this summer. We have scheduled a Conductive Education summer camp running from July 13th to August 14th here in Columbia. This will be the first time Conductive Education has been offered in Columbia and we are so proud to bring it here! The historic Trinity Episcopal Cathedral located in downtown Columbia has offered their Center for Mission and Ministry as space for our program. We have scheduled a golf tournament for Monday, April 20, 2009 to help pay for the program.

Chad and Conner are moving right along through the school year. Chad is 10 and is in the fourth grade. He is doing fairly well, but school is NOT his favorite thing. He did play football last fall and decided that was not his thing. Baseball is no longer his thing either so we are having a quiet spring! I'm kind of grateful for that actually. I hope Chad can figure out what his thing is!

Conner is wrapping up his last pre-school year at North Trenholm Baptist Church's Weekday Education. He is doing very well and loves to go. He has some wonderful friends that may actually end up in Kindergarten with him next year. He is very into Star Wars and Legos right now. I can be dangerous walking through our house at times! Baseball is out for him too, but he loves Gymnastics! He is such a daredevil that this is right up his alley!!

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