Monday, June 30, 2008

A Cloudy, Summer Monday!

Well when Cam was asked what day it was this morning, he was very quick to say "Monday"!. The weather was a little difficult, but he looked out the window when they talked about it being cloudy. It's usually sunny and if it weren't for the trees and Spanish moss waving in the breeze, I would be tempted to accuse Erika of putting a picture of a sunny sky and trees in the window! The season was another thing he did well this morning. This took a little while, but he finally got out "mur"! Hey! I'll take it!

It was a really great day for Cam. Seven stickers, two of them for going to the potty!! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am at this! He really does so well on his potty chair. That was on of our best purchases without a doubt.

Academics was very good today too. We started working on big and small. We had a big teddy bear, plastic ring and ball, then we had the small versions of them. We mixed them up and had them pick out the big item and put it to one side and then the small item on the small side. He did really well with eye gaze, but he did make small attempts to move his hand toward the items.

He was so excited about standing up today. It made it difficult for me to hold onto him, but he had fun! He also did very well eating. I gave him carrots and bananas today and he ate everything I put on his plate! He really seemed to enjoy eating too, which is wonderful.

I hope to have more good news tomorrow as we count down our last week at The Grace Center and in HHI!

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